Monday, March 30, 2015


“There are so many times I’ve looked at Mother and wanted to kill her,” Laura said.  “I mean that literally.  And I can’t promise that I won’t do it one day.  People will think those are harsh words.  But put yourself in my position and you, too, will have those same urges. 

Mother was the worst mother any child could have.  I know what many of you are saying.  Try my mother.  She was the worst.  I doubt it.  Did your mother ever lock you in the trunk of a car because she had a secret errand to run?  Then you happened to hear noises while in that trunk, but didn’t understand what was going on.  Or, maybe she tied you up in the basement, in a stranger’s house, and left you hanging from a hook for hours.  Your little feet left dangling a few inches off the floor.  Your arms hurt like hell.  But you can hear your mother upstairs laughing and having a good time.  Did I mention you can’t cry out because she gagged you?  And when she came back for you, her excuse was that it was for your own good.  No.  I’ll bet you’ve never had the opportunity to experience that.  I did.  I was twelve for Pete’s sake!  How could that be good for a twelve year old girl?  You tell me.  Mother ruined my life! 

Sorry for the outburst.  I just need to take a few deep breaths.  And I’ll be fine.  In…Out…In…Out. 

Sorry again for that.  If you saw me you wouldn’t think I could be that way.  I’m very calm.  I’m a professional.  People pay me a lot of money for my professional opinion and work.  But some days it takes all that I have to keep it together.  One day I’m going to let it out.  And when I do, Mother will be the first to know.  I can promise you that.”

I have a new book coming out in May.  It is a novella made up of three stories.  Laura is a character in one of the stories.  You will get to know her and other characters before the book comes out.

I hope you enjoyed meeting Laura.

John Martin    

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